The nervous system, consisting of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system, goes through and interacts with the whole body and supplies an enormous amount of different jobs. Like it's diverse tasks, e.g. body movement coordination, translating information of our sensory organs or building our memory, diseases relatet to the nervous system are very variously shaped. Examples are epilepsy, multiple sklerosis, Parkinson's disease, neuropathical pain, schizophrenia, depression and Alzheimer's disease, which altogether are connected with very different pathogenetic mechanisms. Additionally to the corresponding need of several quite specific research models, the nervous system is a difficult tissue to study because of it's high structural complexicity and (especially in case of the brain) plasticity. Because of the difficulties of building a functioning brain (or nerve) model, many studies on the nervous system are still made on animals, what beside ethical reasons does often not provide suitable information about the human. All the more the scientific world may be glad about the progress on this field, which was made in the last years. On this site we would like to offer you information about different developed methods to reduce, replace and refine animal experiments on the nervous system. This information may not be exhaustive and are not meant as any kind of advertisement.
Have fun while exploring the world of neuronal research!